Pero existen esas personas que creamos un blog o simplemente los leemos cada día, para las que es una forma de vida, un modo de expresar los sentimientos, de ser tu mismo ante el mundo, de comunicación con los demás, una oportunidad de darse a conocer ante el mundo y de conocer gente maravillosa. Todo ello marcado de ese afán de sentirte bien contigo mismo que hace que saques lo mejor de ti al vestirte cada día.
Es eso que hace que vayas a ZARA o cualquier tienda de INDITEX y si has leído una revista de moda pienses que mucha de la ropa allí colgada ya la has visto antes, que pienses lo maravillosa que es esa chica que acaba de pasar a tu lado por la calle, que te mueras de ganas por poseer esa prenda de ropa tan cara e inalcanzable, que desees ser cualquiera de tus musas cibernéticas o por lo menos parecerte un poco a ella, que sonrías cada vez que te dicen lo bien vestida que vas hoy, etc.
En resumen, una religión sin Dios en la que los pecados cambian cada temporada o ya casi ni existen, porque gracias al street style y las redes sociales todo vale, en un mundo en el que cobra cada vez más vida la frase “así me ven, así me tratan”.
Everybody has a different concept of fashion, for some people it is that superficial world full of top models mainly anorexic and where regularity isn't common; for others it is art, the amazing work of photographers, designers, makeup artists and stylists; for the less interested is that thing that appears in VOGUE and company; for kids it may be an adult's world...
But there are that kind of people who create a blog or just read them each day, for the ones who is a way of life, a way of expressing feelings, of being yourself to the world, of comunication with people, an oportunity to let that the world meets you and meeting wonderful people. Everything leaded by the need of feeling yourself right that makes you do your best when you dress up every day.
This makes that when you go to a lowcost shop and if you have read a fashion magazine recently, you think you have seen before most of the clothes hanging there, how wonderful is that girl you've just seen in the street, that you feel like dying to get that expensive and unreachable piece of clothing, that you want to be like your favourite online muse or at least being a little bit like her, that you smile every time they tell you how good you look today, etc.
To sum up, a religion withour God where signs change each season or almost don't exist, because thanks to street style and social networks everything works, in a world where the sentence "They see me like that, they treat me like that" is catching on.

Great first post! I like the message.